Subject: Mathematics Science
Grade Levels: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade,
Synopsis: It can take years to plan and engineer these state-of-the-art wind farms. It’s a problem-solving process that draws on an understanding of algebra, geometry, kinetic energy, etc. to turn one of our most abundant resources into a viable business.
Running Time: 06:32 minutes
Title: Energy From Thin Air?
Physical ScienceEnergyPower Generation
Common Core State Standards: 6.RP.3c, 6.RP.3d, 7.RP.2c, 7.RP.3, F-LE.1c,
View This Lesson Title: Power Mills Topics: AlgebraExponential Equations and FunctionsFunctionsPatterns
Common Core State Standards: 7.RP.1, 7.RP.2, 7.RP.3, 7.EE.4a, 8.EE.7a, 8.SP.1, 8.SP.2, 8.SP.3,
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Common Core State Standards: 6.RP.3c, 6.RP.3d, 7.RP.2c, 7.RP.3, F-LE.1c,
View This Lesson Title: Power Mills Topics: AlgebraExponential Equations and FunctionsFunctionsPatterns
Common Core State Standards: 7.RP.1, 7.RP.2, 7.RP.3, 7.EE.4a, 8.EE.7a, 8.SP.1, 8.SP.2, 8.SP.3,
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