Grade Levels: 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade,
Topics: Human Biology (Nutrition)
Knowledge and Skills:
· Understands the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates and their effect on the body
Download the Teacher Guide PDFLesson:
Procedure: This project should be done by students individually or teams of two.
Distribute the handout and discuss it. Ask students to give examples of carbohydrates and list them on the board. Then ask students if they think that all of these different kinds of carbohydrates affect the body in the same way, and after a brief discussion tell them that their assignment is to research and report on this topic.
Give students the requirements of the report in terms of length, content and format. It is up to you to determine depending on the level of the students involved. You may wish to require more advanced to explain some of the biochemistry involved in digestion of carbohydrates.
Arrange for students to have access to references for the research they will need to do, and give them a schedule for working on the assignment and a due date.
School-to-Career Connection: Ask a professional nutritionist to From:
To: BettyC@FeedtheStars.comcome to class and discuss their work
Dear Betty,
You know that over the years I have really appreciated your help with getting our actors and actresses in shape for their roles. Your advice and the diets you have recommended have always been excellent.
There’s one subject, however, that we continually have trouble with when we’re out shooting a movie, and I’m wondering if I could get you to help me out with it.
It has to do with carbohydrates. I tell the caterers that I want there to be a certain amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the snacks that are available to the actors and crew. When I say carbohydrates, I am thinking about vegetables and fruits, maybe some grains. But somehow what I always get are donuts, cookies, and candy!
So everyone on the set falls asleep in the middle of the afternoon.
I think the problem is that there are actually different kinds of carbohydrates.
Here’s how you could help: I could really use a nice, simple explanation of the difference between the different kinds of carbohydrates and what happens when you eat them.
It should have lots of examples.
It shouldn’t be preachy, but just give the data in a straightforward manner.
And of course it always helps to have pictures or diagrams.
Would you be willing to put this together for me?
Not only will I give this to the actors and crews, but I think I may also send one to every set caterer in town.
Thanks for your help. You’re a peach.