Grade Levels: 5th Grade, 6th Grade,
Topics: FractionsDecimalsPercentsRatiosBiology (Wildlife)
Common Core State Standard: 5.NBT.5, 6.G.1, 7.G.4, 7.G.6,
· Territory
Knowledge and Skills:· Can perform binary operations with decimal numbers.
Download the Teacher Guide PDFLesson:
Procedure: This project should be done by students individually or in teams of two.
Students will need copies of maps of the areas for which they are to find the number of possible bald eagle territories. These maps will need to show all bodies of water. You may choose to have students look at maps of relatively small regions of a state or area being studied or of larger regions of the U.S.
Students will have to estimate the total length of rivers and total circumference of bodies of water based on the map scale. Or you may tell them to find these numbers through research.
Distribute the handout and discuss it.
Ensure that students understand the idea of territories and what their assignment is.
Give students a schedule for working on the assignment and a due date.