Grade Levels: 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade,
Topics: AlgebraCoordinate SystemsFunctions and RelationsPatterns
Common Core State Standard: 5.G.1, 5.G.2, A-REI.10, F-IF.2, F-IF.5,
Knowledge and Skills:
· Can plot a point in a two-dimensional coordinate system, given the coordinates, or determine the coordinates of a given point
· Can relate aspects of a graphical model to the real world situation which is being modeled
Procedure: This activity is best done by students working individually or in teams of two.
Distribute the handout and ensure that students understand the task.
2. and 3. Answers vary.
Curve Control
Skill Set
1. These numbers represent the shape of a windsail mast. Plot the points and sketch the shape of the mast:
2. The mast you just sketched has its highest curvature about two-thirds of the way toward the top. Create a set of numbers for a mast that has its highest curvature even closer to the top of the mast. Keep the curve as
smooth as you can.
3. Create a set of numbers for a mast that has its highest curvature right in the middle of the mast. Remember to keep the curve smooth.